To develop scientific activities in the research, teaching and community service, particularly related to the settlements and economic resource management in geographic perspectives
- To conduct research related to the settlements and economic resource management
- To develop learning content related to the settlements and economic resource management according to gain of science
- To promote the application of knowledge in community service activities about the settlements and economic resource management
- To join and conduct scientific activities (seminars, workshops, conferences) in local, regional, national and international level related to the settlements and economic resource management
- To supporting the scientific activities that involve t active role of the study group members and students in publishing scientific publications b in local, regional, national and international related to the settlements and economic resource management
- To seek expansion of cooperation networks at local, regional, national, and international scientific groups and practitioners in settlements and economic resource management
- To socialize the result of research, teaching and community service at the level of practitioner for scientific development in settlements and economic resource management
- Dr. Rika Harini, M.P.
- Djaka Marwasta, M.Si
- Dra. Kistini, M.S.
- Sudrajat, M.P.
- Several studies have been conducted, among others:
- Economic Valuation of Agricultural Land Converted Spatial Study and the Impact on Food Production in Sleman.
- Mobility of Urban Regional Shelter in Yogyakarta