- Karst area is spread around the islands of Indonesia have provided the resources for the lives of people who live in it and around it. Karst area in Indonesia has been a human habitation since prehistoric times. As an ecosystem, the karst area is an area of unique and highly sensitive (fragile) to environmental degradation. Karst ecosystem sensitivity is mainly due to the thin soil cover and scarcity of surface water that condition brings ecological consequences about biodiversity and socio-economic. All forms of utilization will harm the karst ecosystem compared with other ecosystems. Karst ecosystem management thus needs special attention compared to other ecosystems. Good management in this case requires a true understanding of the karst area. Most private, public, and government institutions in Indonesia do not understand the karst area. The background is pushing some of the staff at the Faculty of Geography to dedicate themselves to taking a role in understanding the karst area through research and advising others to participate in the management of the karst area.
- Study about karst in the Faculty of Geography, starting from the late 20th century, precisely in 1995 when Prof. HTH Verstapen recommend Faculty of Geography which in this case Prof. Dr. Sutikno and Prof. Dr. Suratman M.Sc. as counterpart Prof. Dr. Urushibara and Prof. Yosino from Hesei University Japan in Karst Environmental Change research at Mount Sewu. In 1997 then dr. RKT Ko and Prof. Dr. Sutikno provided daily lectures about karst in the Faculty of Geography. The meeting then appears initiation to organize a one day workshop on the management of karst area in 1998. The workshop then initiate the inception the Karst Society Observer Indonesia as called as MAKARTI.Since 2000 then some junior staff Faculty of Geography consist of Eko Haryono, Tjahyo Nugroho Adji, M. Widyastuti committed to take up the theme of karst as an object of study (minor) to be Karst Research Group of the Faculty of Geography. Then they were take a dissertation with the object of study karst and actively doing research about karst area and participate in the socialization of karst area and provide inputs of karst area management in the central government level, province and district levels.
- Dr. Eko Haryono
- Dra. M. Widyastuti, M.T.
- Dr. Tjahyo Nugroho Adji
- Prof. Dr. Sutikno.
- Prof. Dr. Sudarmadji
Tahun Judul Pembiayaan Peneliti Utama Kerjasama 2010-2012 Carbon Cycle Characterization and Paleoclimate Reconstruction from Hydrological and Geomorphic Signature from Karst Environment International Cooperation Grant for International Publication – DIKTI Dr. Eko Haryono ICRK China, Karlshrue University – Free University German 2010 Development of COP Methods for Vulnerability Assessment of Groundwater against Pollution at Gunungsewu Karst Area based on Flow Concentration Aspect (Study at Bribin Watershed) (in Bahasa Indonesia) Grant Research of Junior Lecture, LPPM-UGM Dra. M. Widyastuti, M.T 2010 Characterization of Ponor Catchment Area as a Vulnerability Variable Determinant of Groundwater against Pollution at Gunungsewu Karst Area (Study at Bribin Watershed) (in Bahasa Indonesia) Grant Research of Doctoral Dissertatio, DIKTI Dra. M. Widyastuti, M.T. 2005-2010 Study of Groundwater Vulnerability against Pollution at Gunungsewu Karst Area (Study at Bribin Watershed) (in Bahasa Indonesia) Dissertation Research Dra. M. Widyastuti, M.T 2004-2008 Spatial-Temporal Variation of Hydrogeochemistry and Flow Characteristics for Karst Dynamic System Characterization of Bribin Underground River, Gunungsewu Karst, Indonesia (in Bahasa Indonesia) Dissertation Research Dr. Tjahyo Nugroho Adji 2004-2008 Development Model of Karst Based Dry Valley Morphometry (in Bahasa Indonesia) Dissertation Research Dr. Eko Haryono 2004-2005 Development of Karst Area Conservation Methods Based Geoarchaeology Approachment (in Bahasa Indonesia) Grant Research of Postgraduate – DIKTI Prof. Dr. Sutikno Faculty of Archaeology UGM 2004-2005 Development of Bribin-Baron Under Ground Drainage System Conservation Method (in Bahasa Indonesia) Competitive Grant Research XIII – DIKTI Prof. Dr. Sudarmadji 2002-2003 Development of Drainage Estimation Methods in Karst Area using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing (in Bahasa Indonesia) Competitive Grant Research XII – DIKTI Dr. Eko Haryono 1999-2002 Study of Epikarst Zone at Gunungkidul District for Fresh Water Supply (in Bahasa Indonesia) Competitive Grant Research IX – DIKTI Dr. Eko Haryono 1988-now Study of Groundwater Vulnerability against Pollution Gunungsewu at Karst Area (Study at Bribin Watershed) (in Bahasa Indonesia) Dissertation Research Dra. M. Widyastuti, M.T -
Years Partner Title / Role 2010-2012 Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry – Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology Hydrogeology and Sepeleogenesis of Seropan-Bribin Underground System 2010-2012 International Centre on Karst – China Carbon Cycle in Karst 2007-2010 Center of Java Environmental Management Proffesional Staff in the socialization of Java Karst Area (East Java, Central Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta, West Java, and Banten) 2007-2010 Ministry of Environmental Gunungsewu karst area management planning together with Gunungsewu Karst Forum 2007-2009 District Government of Gunungkidul and Wonogiri Proffesional Staff in the socialization of Karst Area 2002-2003 District Government of Gunungkidul and Wonogiri Zoning and Detailed Spatial Arrangement Planning of Karst Area 2001 District Government of Tuban Zoning for Tuban Karst Area - Adji, C.N., and Haryono, E. 2003. Konflik Antara Pemanfaatan Batugamping dan Konservasi Sumberdaya Air di DAS Bribin, Kawasan Karst Gunungsewu. Prosiding Lokakarta Nasional pengelolaan Sumberdaya Wilayah Berbasis Ekosistem untuk Mereduksi Potensi Komflk antar Daerah. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Geography UGM.Ahmad, M.L, Suprojo, S.W., and Haryono, E. 2005. Morfologi Karst Mayor antara Telaga Sanglen dan Kamal di Kabupaten Gunungkidiul, Gunungsewu. The Indonesian Cave and Karst Journal. Vol 1(1), 31-39Haryono, E. 2010. Significant Features of Gunungsewu Karst as Geopark Site. Proceeding 4th International UNESCO Conference of Geopark. Langkawi.
Haryono, E. 2009. Progress in Geomorphological Research: Perspektif Iklim dalam Riset Geomorfologi Karst. National Seminar of Geomorphology in September 2009. Jakarta: LIPI.
Haryono, E. 2008. Dynamic Interelation between Life and Karst Landform Development in Gunungsewu Karst. Seminar of Dynamic Interaction between Life and Landforms. New Orlean: Tulane University.
Haryono, E. 2008. Uplift Evidence from Karst Valley and Karst Hill Morphology. Proceeding Seminar Indonesian Scientific Karst Forum. Yogyakarta.
Haryono, E. 2006. Proposed Management of Giritontro Dry Valley and Gunungsewu Karst. Seminar of Management of Giritotro Dry Valley. Solo: UMS.
Haryono, E. 2001. Hidrological Value of Karst Hills. Proceeding of The National Seminar on Ecohydrolics. Yogyakarta: Geselschaft fur Tebhnische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) – Engeneering Faculty UGM.
Haryono, E. 2001. Konservasi Kawasan Karst. Seminar Pemberdyaan Wilayah Kabupaten dan Kota untuk Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan dalam Memasuki Otonomi Daerah, DIES Fakutas Geografi UGM XXXVIII. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Geography UGM.
Haryono, E. 2000. Some Properties of Epikarst Drainage Ssystem in Gunungkidul Regency, DIY-Indonesia. The Indonesian Journal of Geography. Vol 32(79-80), 75-86.
Haryono, E. 2000. Sumberdaya Alam di Kawasan Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Berbatuan Karbonat. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengelolaan Ekosistem Pantai dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil dalam Konteks Negara Kepulauan. Yogykarta: Faculty of Geography UGM.
Haryono, E., Adji, T.N., Widyastuti, M., and Trijuni, S. 2010. Atmospheric Carbon Sequestration from Karst Denudation: Preliminary Result from Gunung Sewu Karst. International Seminar on Achieving Resilience Agriculture to Climate Change Trough the Development of Climate Based Management in November 2009. Bogor.
Haryono, E., and Adji, T.N. 2002. Kali Bayem Mencari Alur Aslinya. Jurnal Riset Daerah Kabupaten Bantul. Vol 1, 1-10.
Haryono, E., and Day, M. 2004. Landform Differentiation within The Gunungkidul Kegelkarst, Java-Indonesia. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. Vol 66 (2), 56-63.
Haryono, E, Lestari, Y., and Kusuma, D. 2002. Sedimentation of Doline Lake in The Gunungsewu Karst. Procceding of The National Simposium on Sediment Disaster Management. Yogyakarta: SABO Centre – Japan Internatioanal Coporation Agency (JICA).
Haryono, E., Nurcahyo, A.D., Gunawan, T., and Purwanto, T.H. 2005. Underground River Network Modelling from Lineaments and Fracture Traces by Means of Remote Sensing and GIS. Proceeding International Conference of Water Resources and Environmental Problems in Karst. Belgrade and Kotor.
Haryono E., Suratman, and Murniyati. 2009. Temperature And Relative Humidity Variability of The Petruk Cave, Central Java-Indonesia. Proceeding 7th Internasional Karstologial School. Potojna, Slovenia.
Haryono, E., Widyastuti, M. and Adji, T.N. 2009. Environmental Problem of Doline Ponds in Gunungsewu Karst. Proceeding 15th International Congress of Speleology in July 2009. Texas.
Haryono, E., Yuwono, J.S.E., Hascaryo, A.T., Fauzi, I., Suhartono, D., and Raharjo, W.B. 2004. The Archaic River Morphology and Groundwater Conditon In The Plaosan Temple Complex, Central Java-Indonesia. The Indonesian Journal of Geography. Vol 36(2), 73-83.
Sudarmadji, Widyastuti, and Harini, R. 2010. Public Participation in Ground Water Resource Conservation in the Seropan Chachment of the Gunungkidul Karst Area. Poceeding Interdisclipary Conference on Prediction for Hydrology, Ecology, and Water Resources in September 2010. Chechnya.
Sutikno and Haryono, E. 2000. Perlindungan Fungsi Kawasan Karst. Kumpulan Makalah Seminar Sehari Perlindungan Kawasan Karst Masa Lalu, Masa Kini, dan Akan Datang terhadap Penurunan Fungsi Lingkungan Hidup. Surakarta: PSLH UNS, LEMLIT UNS, MNLH.
Widyastuti. 2008. Metode Penilaian Kerentanan Airtanah terhadap Pencemaran di Daerah Karst. Makalah Seminar ISKF. Yogyakarta.