During the Geography Days (GDays) 2022 organized by the Himpunan Departemen Geografi, Universitas Indonesia, participants from the Environmental Geography study program submitted a work titled “Penentuan Lokasi PLTP di Kabupaten Semarang Dengan Pendekatan Spasial untuk Mewujudkan Transformasi Energi Berbasis Renewable Energy Based on Industrial Development (REBID)”, which earned the third-place honor in Best Video Presentation and Best Poster Category.
Our sincere congratulations to Sonna Diwijaya (Environmental Geography class of 2021), Hani Verdiant (Environmental Geography class of 2021), Muhammad Alsamtu Tita Sabila Pratama Suhartono (Environmental Geography class of 2021), and Dr. Indranova Suhendro, ST., M.Sc as the team’s supervisor, for their remarkable achievement in this event!