In line with the Study Program’s target to improve Key Performance Indicator (IKU) 7 which is linked to collaborative and participatory class achievements, namely the percentage of courses that use case-solving learning methods or project-based group learning as part of the evaluation weight, the GEL Study Program held the IKU 7 Workshop on December 14-15 2023.
The workshop discussed accelerating IKU 7 achievements at the Study Program, SIOBA and LAMSAMA levels. The event was attended by LAMSAMA assessors, namely Dr. Widyastuti, MT and Dr. Sigit Heru Murti, S,Si., M.Si, SIOBA resource person, namely Dr. Eng. Ngadisih, STP., M.Sc., and Head of GEL Study Program Dr. Emilya Nurjani, S.Si., M.Sc.