Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 754/P/2020 concerning Main Performance Indicators is a guideline for each State University, including the Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), in determining performance plans, preparing work plans and budgets, preparing contract documents, preparation of performance reports, and process of evaluating performance achievements.
There are six of the eight Main Performance Indicators (IKU) in the discussion of monitoring the IKU achievements of the Environmental Geography Study Program which was carried out on Wednesday (8/11 2023).
Improving the quality of higher education graduates is contained in IKU 1 and IKU 2. IKU 1 is the percentage of success of a study program in producing graduates who are successful in getting jobs, continuing their studies, or becoming entrepreneurs. The efforts of the Environmental Geography Study Program to accelerate IKU 1 achievements are included in various activities, including:
- Regular alumni data collection through tracer studies.
- The Geography Career Center was established through the appointment of a support team for the UGM Faculty of Geography Career and Alumni Development Unit (UPKA) as contained in the Decree of the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Geography Number 143/UN1/FGE/KPT/SETD/2023.
- Debriefing of graduates by the faculty is carried out before graduation day in each undergraduate graduation period.
- The agency visit is a work program of the Environmental Geography Student Association (EGSA) which operates under the auspices of the Environmental Geography Study Program.
- Introduction to the world of work through Alumni Sharing activities.
- SDGs Seminar Series SDGs Seminar Series #89 with Sukma Impian Riverningtyas (Alumni Environmental Geography class of 2011).
IKU 2 with the achievement of students gaining experience outside campus is the percentage of Environmental Geography Study Program students who spent at least 20 credits outside campus or achieved the lowest achievement at the national level. In the even semester of 2022/2023, five student teams won championships at the national level.
The acceleration of IKU 2 achievements regarding taking a minimum of 20 credits by off-campus students is demonstrated through the appointment of odd semester internship supervisors for FY 2023/2024 as contained in the Decree of the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Geography Number 248/UN1/FGE/KPT/AKD/2023. A total of 100 students are registered with BPDASHL internship partners in the even semester of 2022/2023. In the odd semester of 2023/2024, four students were registered in the MSIB program and 81 students were spread across 21 internship partners of the Environmental Geography Study Program, such as the Yogyakarta City Environmental Service (DLH) and the DIY Climatology Station, Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).
Improving the quality of higher education lecturers is contained in IKU 3, 4, and 5. IKU 4 with the achievements of teaching practitioners on campus is the percentage of permanent lecturers who have doctoral academic qualifications, have competency/professional certificates recognized by industry and the world of work, or come from practitioners. professional, industrial world, or work world.
The acceleration of IKU 4 achievements is demonstrated by the Faculty of Geography through routine monitoring of lecturers’ study assignments and study permits. The achievements of teaching practitioners on campus are also packaged in various monthly webinars held by each laboratory in the Environmental Geography Study Program, the Population and Economic Resources Laboratory, Hydrology and Environmental Climatology Laboratory, and Environmental Geomorphology and Disaster Mitigation Laboratory, as well as incidental webinars such as national seminars or webinars and ministerial lectures held as a form of collaboration with external faculties such as the Study Center at UGM and various other partners.
The percentage of teaching practitioners on campus is also realized through field lectures by Assistant Professor Masatoshi Ohashi from Kyushu University (31/8 2023), field activities in Maninjau and Toba (3-9/10 2023) and guest lectures (11/10 2023) with Associates Professor Takeshi Hasegawa from Ibaraki University, as well as a guest lecture with Professor Gilles Chazot from Brest University (16-24/10 2023).
The achievement of IKU 4 is also realized through offering new courses for the 2022 curriculum, namely Global Exposure Competency courses (cross-competency global exposure courses) with practitioners/alumni as instructors. On May 17 2023 and May 31, 2023, Environmental Geography alumni who are now practitioners as consultants in Daemeter, Subarno, S.Si., delivered material in the Tropical Climate class.
IKU 5, with the achievements of lecturers’ work being used by the community or gaining international recognition, is the number of research outputs and community service that have successfully received international recognition or been applied by the community. The Faculty of Geography is pursuing this by optimizing faculty grants for lecturer research, holding the ICERM (International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in 2023) conference, and collecting data on lecturers’ publications and activities.
IKU 7 with collaborative and participatory class achievements is the percentage of courses that improve the use of case-solving learning methods or project-based group learning as part of the evaluation weight. In the odd semester of FY 2022/2023, for the 2017 curriculum, all courses had higher achievements than the achievement targets, then compared to the previous year’s achievements there was a decrease in achievements in almost all competencies (online to offline), and the CPL Study Program showed that students’ general understanding achievements were below achievement targets (basic courses – new students). The 2022 curriculum in the same TA shows that the 2022 curriculum courses were mostly taken by all students of the Faculty of Geography (all study programs), the competency achievements were all below the set target (75), and the lowest achievement was for competency 1.2 (lifelong learning and global capacity building).
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