The Department of Development Geography recently held the 89th SDGs Seminar Series, centered around the theme “Change 101 for SDGs”. The event featured Dr. Emilya Nurjani, S.Si., M.Sc., a climate and disaster expert who is also a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Geography, as one of the speakers.
The seminar addressed the urgent need to address climate change, which is marked by rising global temperatures, increasing sea levels, and the extinction of animals and biota. The primary driver of climate change is greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which are produced by the rapid expansion of industrial production. However, countries across the globe have made significant efforts in handling climate change in the 21st century, with a focus on achieving sustainable living through global conventions. The Paris Agreement of 2015 is one such convention, which aims to reduce emissions by forty-three percent by 2030. Climate change awareness has become an essential priority for sustainable development, given its strategic impact and broad scope in achieving the SDGs goals.
Dr. Emilya Nurjani, S.Si., M.Sc. shared her expertise on the impact of climate change on the SDGs and the mitigation efforts required to minimize its impact. This presentation was aimed at supporting efforts to achieve SDGs by 2030 through effective action and development based on climate change awareness.
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