To become a center of excellence in environmnental geography study with internationally academic standard to realize sustainable development
- Improving the quality of environmental geography education according to international standard
- Improving the quality of research activities related to environmental geography to support sustainable development
- Improving the community service activities to provide environmental problems solution
- Improving the national and international cooperation networking and good institutional governance
Mission Goal 1. Improve quality of education with international standards:
- Improve and develop quality of human resources
- Improve innovative and adequate educational infrastructure facilities
- Develop an international standard curriculum that can realize the competency of graduates as analysts for regional resource management and the environment
- Develop and improve lecture and practicum processes
Mission Goal 2. Increasing environmental geography research and development activities to support sustainable development
- Develop laboratory-based research and research groups
- Develop infrastructure research laboratories and field laboratories
- Develop research for enriching teaching materials
- Develop research to solve environmental problems and regional resources
Mission Goal 3. Improve community service programs that provide solutions to environmental and resource problems
- Develop an integrated community service program with research and teaching activities
Mission Goal 4. Improve network collaboration and good institutional governance
- Realizing efficient and accountable departmental governance
- Develop cooperation in the fields of education, research and community service