- This laboratory is part of the laboratory in the Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This laboratory has long existed, and in 2013 implemented some agenda to support the vision of the faculty. The main mission of this laboratory is to increase public awareness and understanding of the population and policies in Indonesia, as well as the consequences for development, and aid policymakers in resolving the current issues. Besides the purpose of this laboratory is to integrate research and educational activities related to population and policies, including the multi-discipline cooperation in related sectors. Based on the mission of the laboratory is expected to contribute, not only to decision-making related to population and policies but also to boost the quality of research in the population and policies sector. As part of the Faculty of Geography, the laboratory has daily activities based on faculty supervision. The laboratory chairman is appointed and given responsibility by the dean of the faculty. Laboratory in the future will focus on two parts, namely research and seminars, as well as education and training, the research section is in charge of organizing and coordinating research activities, while the education part is responsible for exercise learning and teaching activities. In addition to the activities of the division, the laboratory also has a support unit are Computer for several activities. The purposes of this laboratory are to carry out research related to population and employment that can contribute to the policy-making process, boost research capabilities and educators’ knowledge, build networks with other laboratories and policymakers at the domestic and broad levels, and disseminate publications and seminars. Research topics varied with a focus on the population dynamics of the rural population, which includes birth and mortality, mobility, and children, to research contemporary include quality family planning and health services, reproductive health, labor, non-agricultural women workers housing, sustainable development through the interaction of population-environment, community resilience, the urban informal sector, international migration also poverty.
- Agus Joko Pitoyo, S.Si., M.A.
- Drs. Sukamdi, M.Sc.
- Umi Listyaningsih, S.Si., M.Si
- Abdur Rofi, S.Si, M.Si
- Arif Fachrudin Alfana, S.Si.
- Cooperation includes several agencies below:
- Local and National Government
- Population and Policies Studies Centre Universitas Gadjah Mada
- World Bank
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- The Plan Jakarta
- National Population Family Planning Board (BKKBN)