Making disaster risk management research group as a forum for education and development of basic and applied research of disasters to support disaster risk reduction in Indonesia
- Implement of disaster basic and applied research to support undergraduate and postgraduate Education level
- Supporting synergies of disaster research in Indonesia with Multi-discipline science
- Junun Sartohadi, Prof. Dr.rer.nat., M.Sc.
- Sunarto, Dr., M.S.
- Djati Mardiatno, Dr.rer.nat., M.Si.
- Muh Aris Marfai, Dr.rer.nat., M.Sc.
- Danang Sri Hadmoko, Dr., M.Sc.
- Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, Dr., M.T., M.Sc.
- Anggri Setiawan, PhD., M.Sc.
- Nugroho Christanto, M.Sc. (PhD candidate from University of Twente, Netherlands)
- Guruh Samodra, M.Sc. (PhD candidate from University of Kyushu, Japan)
- Several research activities have been conducted by a group of disaster risk management in Department of Environmental Geography. Some of these studies include:
- RIMSY (2007-2009)
- SEDIMER (on going)
- Disasters Analysis for Intergrated Coastal Management (Pekalongan Coastal Flood Case) – DP2MDIKTI (2012)
- Multi-Disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia, JST-JICA, RISTEK, LIPI (April 2009-Maret 2012)
- Cooperation has been done both in the national and international levels. In the national level, cooperation has been carried out by the Center for the Study of Natural Disasters (PSBA) UGM, BNPB, BPBD, Bappenas, and Bappeda. Meanwhile international cooperation conducted by several universities, among others:
- Faculty of Geo-information Sciences, University of Twente (Netherlands),
- University of Innsbruck and AlpS Research Center (Austria),
- University of Paris-1 Sorbonne (France),
- University of Canterbury (New Zealand),
- Cologne University of Applied Sciences,
- Nagoya University Japan,
- Gomez, Janin, M., Lavigne, F., Gertisser, R., Charbonnier, S., Lahitte, P., Hadmoko, D.S., Fort, M., Wassmer, P., Degroot, V., dan Murwanto, H. 2010. Borobudur, a Basin Under Volcanic Influence: 361,000 Years BP to Present. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Vol196 (2010) 245–264. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.08.001.Gomez C., Lavigne, F., dan Hadmoko D.S. 2009. Lahars Deposits Architecture and Volume in the C. Lengkong Valley at Semeru Volcano, Indonesia. H.A.L.Gomez, C., Lavigne, F., Lespinasse, N., Hadmoko, D.S., dan Wassmer, P. 2008. Longitudinal structure of Pyroclastic-Flow Deposits, Revealed by GPR Survey, at Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Vol 176 pp. 439-447. DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.04.012
Hadmoko, D.S. dan Di Mauro. 2011. Landslides: Hazard and Risk Reduction. In: Handbook on Disaster Risk Reduction (Gaillard, J.C., Wisner, B., and Ilan, K.). United Kingdom: Rutledge Academic Publisher.
Hadmoko, DS. dan Lavigne, F. 2009. GIS-Based Landslide Hazard Assessment at Kayangan Catchment, Central Java, Indonesia. International Conference on Geomorphology “Ancient Landscape Modern Perspective” in July 2009. Melbourne, Australia.
Hadmoko, D.S., Lavigne, F., dan Sartohadi, J. 2010. Application of Probabilistic Model and GIS on Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in Kayangan Catchment, Java, Indonesia. In: Proceeding The International Symposium and 2nd AUN/Seed-Net Regional Conference on Geo-Disaster Mitigation in ASEAN (Wilopo W, and Putra E.D.). Yogyakarta: Kalultas Teknik UGM.
Hadmoko, D.S., Lavigne, F., Sartohadi J., Hadi, M.P., dan Winaryo. 2010. Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment and Their Application in Risk Management and Landuse Planning in Eastern Flank of Menoreh Mountains, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. Natural Hazards. DOI 10.1007/s11069-009-9490-0. Vol. 54, no3, pp. 623-642.
Hadmoko, D.S., Sartohadi J., Samodra, G., Christanto, N., dan Lavigne. 2009. GIS Application for Comprehensive Spatial Landslides Analysis in Kayangan Catchment, Menoreh Mountains, Java, Indonesia. In: Landslide processes: from Geomorphologic Mapping to Dynamic Modelling (Malet J.P., Remaître A., and Bogaard T.). Strasbourg, France: European Centre of Geomorphological Hazards. pp 297-302.
Hadmoko, D.S., Wiguna, P.P.K., dan Marfai, M.A. ____. GIS Aplication for Lahar Flood Lahar Hazard Modeling in Gendol and Opak Watershed.
Mardiatno, D. dan Takahashi, M. 2012. Community Approach to Disaster. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Mardiatno, D., Marfai, M.A., Rahmawati, K., Tanjung, R., Sianturi, R.S., dan Mutiarni, Y.S. 2012. Penilaian Multirisiko Banjir dan Rob di Kecamatan Pekalongan Utara. Yogyakarta: MPPDAS Program S-2 Geografi, Fakultas Geografi UGM.
Marfai, M.A., Hadmoko, D.S., dan Sukamdi. ____. Preliminary Mapping of Tidal Flood Hazard and its Mitigation in Jakarta Coastal Area.
Sartohadi J., Mardiatno D., Setiawan A., Cahyadi R., Hadmoko D.S., dan Wassmer P. 2008. Approche Pédo-Géomorphologique pour I’évaluation des Impacts du Tsunami du 26 Décembre 2004 sur la Qualité des Sols et des Eaux Phréatiques du Secteur de Lampuuk, Ouest Banda Aceh. In: Tsunarisque: le Tsunami du 26 Décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie (Lavigne F., and Paris R. 2008). Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
Sartohadi J., Samodra G., dan Hadmoko D.S. 2008. GIS Application for Geomorphological Study on the Assessment of Landslide Susceptibility Using Heuristic-Statistic Method: a Case Study in Kayangan Catchment, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: Geoinformation Technology for Disaster Management and Rehabilitation (Tripathi, N.K., and Pirasteh, S.). Bangkok, Thailand: Geoinformatics International. pp: 87 – 92. ISBN: 9789743833113.
Lavigne F., Paris R., Grancher D., Wassmer P., Flohic F., De Coster B., Leone F., Gunawan T., Fachrizal, Setiawan A., Syahnan, Triyono R., Cahyadi R., Brunstein D., Gomez D., dan Hadmoko D.S. 2008. Le Tsunami du 26 Décembre 2004: Chronologie et Reconstitution de la Catastrophe Dans la Région de Banda Aceh. In: Tsunarisque: le Tsunami du 26 Décembre 2004 à Aceh, Indonésie (Lavigne F., and Paris R. 2008). Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.