Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (KKL) adalah kegiatan yang wajib diikuti oleh mahasiswa Geografi Lingkungan. Pada Semester Genap 2018 ini terdapat dua kegiatan KKL mahasiswa GEL, yaitu di Perancak, Bali yang bekerjasama dengan Balai Riset dan Observasi Laut dan di Kawasan Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park, Bantul. KKL tersebut dilaksanakan dengan semi mandiri dimana mahasiswa dibagi kedalam kelompok-kelompok dengan tema kajian yang berbeda-beda. Harapannya mahasiwa menjadi lebih terampil dalam pengukuran proses dan hasil proses terkait dengan fenomena-fenomena geosfer. Beberapa Dokumentasi kegiatan tersebut antara lain sebagai berikut.
Graduates Celebration is one of the programs which are organized by Networking and Information Media Division in EGSA Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has purpose to give an appreciation for students of Geography and Environmental Science Program (GESP) who have completed their studies and as a thank you to GESP graduates for their participation and contribution since they became the family of EGSA UGM. Then, the brotherhood of the GESP students can be connected without restrictions title in EGSA.
Graduates celebration, that is held in every period of graduation in UGM, is involved by all the active students of GESP. In this celebration, the representative from the active students give a greeting as a congratulation for their achievement. The representative from the graduates also give a greeting for their juniors. As a memorial, EGSA give a merchandise to each of GESP graduates.
On Monday and Tuesday August 7 – 8 September 2015 Hydrology and Water Quality Laboratory Faculty of Geography assessed by the National Accreditation Committee as an Accredited Laboratory SNI ISO/IEC 17025: 2008 and Environmental Laboratory. Re-accreditation assessment conducted on 7 to 8 September 2015 an assessment to extend the accreditation status after been accepted of accreditation certificate since September 7, 2010.